Medical students may appeal a grade or evaluation. The process is as follows:
1. The student submits his/her written concern(s) about a grade or evaluation, and arranges a meeting to discuss the concern(s) with the relevant clerkship or course director within one month of the posting of that grade.
If the student is not satisfied with the outcome:
2. The student may submit their written explanation of the grievance, and will be offered the opportunity to meet with a Grievance Committee consisting of the Associate Dean for Student Affairs (chair), the appropriate faculty member(s), clerkship/course director or department chair.
3. The UF Office of the Ombuds is another resource for students with a university related problem and/or concern. For additional information about the Office, see
4. After reaching a decision, the Grievance Committee will submit a final report to the Associate Dean for Medical Education and to the student. At that time, the student will be notified that there is an appeal process through the Academic Status Committee.
5. If the student wishes to appeal the Grievance Committee’s recommendation, that appeal must be made to the Academic Status Committee.
6. The decision of the Academic Status Committee is final.